Saturday, April 23, 2011

White Ranch Open Space - A cloudy day hike after the rain

Signs of spring blooming on along
It's been way too long since I have hiked or blogged; I haven't had much energy this winter/spring.  I am happy to announce that my husband and I are welcoming our first child next fall and I am 3 months pregnant.  Now that my first trimester is coming to an end I am starting to have more energy and I want to enjoy these last few months hiking solo; but even this short 3.4 mile, out-and-back, hike with Josh and the dogs at White Ranch took a lot of out of me.  We took the Belcher Hill trail to Whippletree Trail and continued on the Whippletree trail for .6 miles to the next trail intersection; there we turned around and walked back for a 3.4 mile hike.  It was a cloudy spring day on Wednesday afternoon and signs of spring were coming up everywhere. 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Matthews Winters Park and Open Space - A sunny spring hike!

Happy Rock dog on the Red Rocks trail
It was beautiful weather on Tuesday afternoon as I set out to hike at Matthews Winters Park.  This is usually a very popular trailhead with both bikers and hikers, so I prefer to hike here during the week when its less crowded. 
Distance:  There are many miles of trails starting from this trailhead; but the main trail is a 4.2 mile loop that can be completed in about 4 hours, or less.   The trail loop starts with the .3 mile 'Village Walk' trail, which continues to the Red Rocks trail for .8 miles.  Next there is an intersection where the loop starts and ends; take either path for a 2 mile loop, and then follow the path you came back to the parking lot.
Difficulty: Easy for about 1 mile, then moderate as the trail gains elevation. 
Specs:  There are picnic tables, grills, and restrooms  (pit toilets) at the trailhead, and along the river.  There is ample parking during the week, but the weekends often find crowding.  Overflow parking across the street.  Dogs need to be leashed per Open Space rules.