Sunday, August 16, 2009

Welchester Tree Grant Park, Jefferson County

The Welchester Tree Grant Park founded by the Timbre Culture Act of 1878 is located in Jefferson County on 8th Avenue, between Indiana and Simms Street and behind the Welchester Elementary school. The Tree Grant Park is part of the Jefferson County Open Space department, but if you checked out the Open Space website, it lists the park with just two tenths of a mile in trails. However, the locals in the area know that is not the case!

The Park sits on 18 acres of land full of trees, wildflowers, streams, waterfalls and beautiful nature scenery. The highlight of the grounds is a large bridge in the middle of the park high above Lakewood Gulch and you are able to view the new waterfall feature completed in 2007. Often I see dogs playing in the water here with their owners! (too bad my dog is terrified of water!) There is a .2 mile trail that goes directly through the park, but there are also other loops within the park which offer about 1/2 mile each of trails through the woods, and along Lakewood Gulch. Also, there are several smaller foot path's that roam through the park and if you are up for being a little adventurous, you can follow the foot paths throughout all 18 acres of land! Construction which is scheduled to be completed August 31, 2009 is adding gravel to a footpath which helps complete the loop around the park, over the new concrete bridge on the west end of the park, and back around to the main trail. (see photos below for map of construction project) With the new construction of trails the Welchester Tree Grant Park offers approximately 1.2 miles of constructed trails, and many smaller trails which wind through the grounds.
The Grounds with ample water and lush woods are home to a variety of animals including deer, rabbits, snakes, foxes and coyote (which may have been removed recently by Jefferson County). I have walked in the park for years now, and while I have seen several coyotes, none ever bothered me or my dog.
Overall, this is a great park to visit, and with the newly constructed trails it offers even more space to walk within the urban setting of Lakewood.

Park Quick Facts: (rated 1 - 3) To see the Criteria click here
Difficulty: (1)
Leave your hiking boots at home - mostly paved or gravel trails.
Distance: (1) -
Located in Lakewood/Golden, no mountain driving necessary.
Crowded: (2) -
The park is never too crowded, but if you go after work in the evening, you will see the most people.Amount of Trails: (1) - Only about 1.2 miles of constructed trails on 18 acres of land.
Length of time: anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes
For the Dog Lover: (3)- Water to play in.
Bathrooms? NO Bathrooms: The closest would be the 7-11 at Simms and 8th near the exit from 6th Ave going North. About .5 miles away.

Link to Park Open Space:

Park is Located in Jefferson County near the Colorado Mills Mall on 8th Avenue. There is parking for the park along the from Yank to Zang Streets. It is best to park far off the road, as 8th is a bike route.

(hover over photos for captions and to stop slideshow)

1 comment:

  1. Hello, and thank you for highlighting the smallest gem of the Jefferson County Open Space system! We agree that Welchester Tree Grant Park has nice features and is great for a natural retreat with an urban area. We do want to point out to your readers that our parks require dogs to be leashed at all times. This is a regulation:

    We do have an award-winning dog off leash park in Evergreen called Elk Meadow Dog Off Leash Area:
    This would make a great blog post for dog owners :)

    Would you mind correcting or removing the mention of dogs off leash from your post?

    Also, our Natural Resources and Park Rangers have reported that no coyotes have been removed from Welchester Tree Grant Park.

    Happy Trails,
    Jefferson County Open Space
