Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bear Peak, Boulder Colorado, How far can your feet take you?

On Monday January 11th, I decided to hike Bear Peak in Boulder. It is a visible mountain from most of Boulder and highway 93 situated behind the Flatirons and next to South Boulder Peak. The peak is 8,461ft high, and there are several routes to reach the summit. You can see in the photo to the left that I marked the correct peak in the photo, this is seen from the start of the hike. (click on any photo to see larger)

Getting there:
I started the hike from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) trailhead parking lot. Click here for google map.

From highway 93 in Boulder go West on Table Mesa Drive (also called S. Boulder Road further east) OR; from highway 36, exit onto Table Mesa Drive and head west. Once onto Table Mesa Drive, follow the road up the mountain, through the residential areas and past a school, and continue up to the NCAR parking lot. This is well marked and easy to find. Park in the lot and walk toward the

Monday, January 4, 2010

Beaver Brook and Chavez Trail at Genesee Park, Colorado

The Beaver Brook trailhead was built by the Colorado Mountain Club over 90 years ago and it's an incredible hiker only back-country trail just outside of the city. The map to the left can be clicked to enlarge and you can see all of the hiking options in the Genesee / Lookout Mountain area. You can also find more information on the park here.
The Beaver Brook trail travels 8.65 miles from the park in Genesee to the Windy Saddle trail on Lookout Mountain accessed from the the windy saddle parking lot. You can also access the trail by parking at the Nature Center on top of Lookout Mountain and then you hike 1 mile down to connect to the Beaver Brook trail.