About Me

Welcome, I am Jennifer (Jenn for those who know me best) --- I'm a new mother to Magnolia and wife to my husband Joshua -  I love to hike, camp and take photos and my time is also occupied with blogging, gardening, and spending time outside enjoying nature.  In 2011 my husband Josh and I were blessed with a beautiful daughter - Magnolia Gwen.  I enjoyed hiking through my pregnancy and continue to trek with Magnolia on my back. 

Josh and I have been living in Colorado for the past 10 years and we love it here; we also enjoy camping, skiing, and almost anything to be done outside.  When on the trail I am sometimes accompanied by my husband Josh and dogs Rock and Belle.  Gardening and living more simply are some of my passions and I strive to get better at this each day.Please take the time to "follow" my blog by clicking the "follow blog" link on the right side of the screen, I'd appreciate it! 

Besides hiking, I have a passion for being crafty and finding the best handmade items from amazing independent artists; you can find lots of great items handmade for an outdoor lifestyle on my website

July 2012;  Some changes on my site: When I started this blog back in 2009, my plan was to create a blog with good hiking information, directions and beautiful photos.  I also wanted to somehow make some money from my blog; who doesn't want their job to be 'hiking and blogging about it?'  But I didn't have a real clear direction on how to do that and what ideas that I did have, required better back end website skills, something that I do not have in the slightest!  I continued my part-time 'day' job and tried to figure out what I could do to further this site and take it to the next level.  Now that I've had my daughter and every hour that I have to spend working from home staring at my computer working on oncology statistics is an hour that I am not doing something enjoyable, (like hiking) with her!  Therefore, I have a renewed interest in attempting to generate income from this website and my hope is to work less 'day job' hours and spend more quality time with my daughter.  I hope you understand why these changes are necessary for me. 

While I do have google ads on my site, they haven't paid out anything over the past 3 years and I've always wanted my website to take a more personal direction, so I am going to be accepting ad's from other websites, bloggers, gear companies, etc for a monthly or annual fee.  I have also placed a donation button on my website, and if you are so kind as to donate a buck or two for this information, I'd be very grateful.  Lastly, I have added a 'suggest a hike' page on my site, where people can ask me to suggest a hike(s) for them for a small fee.  This means, I'd send information about the hike, directions and more for the buyer.  Also, I am considering other ways to generate some income, but am fresh out of ideas; if you have some, feel free to comment!  

Thanks for reading -- Jennifer, Josh and Magnolia with Rock and Belle doggies.