Sunday, May 30, 2010

Lower Maxwell Falls in Evergreen, Colorado

Springtime in Colorado is the best time of the year to see the rushing rivers and waterfalls running high from the mountain runoff.  One of the best places to hike while walking beside a rushing river to view some falls is the Maxwell Trailhead in Evergreen Colorado.  The trail takes you through a typical foothills evergreen forest that makes for shady hiking on a hot day, often Maxwell Creek runs beside the trail, other times the river is just a distant sound in the valley below.  
The trail provides some views of the surrounding mountains when a clearing permits, but mostly the lure of this trail are the large Maxwell falls and river beside the trail.  A popular trail for dog owners; this trail was busy with dogs and their owners when I hiked on a beautiful Saturday over Memorial Day weekend.  There are also other trails which intersect the Maxwell falls trail that you can take instead of hiking through the forest.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Table Mountain, Golden Colorado

If you live in or have frequented Golden, Colorado, you would have noticed South Table Mountain one of the mountain peaks on the north side of town.  South Table mountain is funded by the Jefferson County Open Space and nearly the entire mountain is open for public use with numerous trails and routes to the top.  More information is available on the Jefferson County Open Space site here.  South Table Mountain is located just south of Coors which lies in the valley dividing North and South Table Mountains; there is additional hiking on North table Mountain found here.  
The best time to hike table mountain is during the springtime; the bright spring colors and wildflowers are in full bloom and the mountainside looks striking.